
I take pride in the code I write.

I try to write legible code for the stranger in the future, so he or she may at least be able to decode what I wrote.

I try to write code like itโ€™s totally going be used by a million people.

I find it my duty to not sacrifice shorter code for more meaningful code.

I seek to write comments that are ever so concise but purposeful.

Or, if you are not a coder, basically what I said is,

I make sure my code donโ€™t end up in a god-forsaken spaghetti mess 1 month down the road.

This Website

This is the 3rd iteration of

This website is run using the awesome Github Pages and Jekyll.

The theme is modified upon the minimalistically minimalistic minima theme.

More crucially, I have added dark mode which is indispensable and in my opinion, absolutely necessary for everything.